Deployment Support (San Diego)

Fleet and Family Support Centers are available to provide support via phone, telehealth, in person appointments, email, social media, webinar and command GMTs. 

If you would like to schedule an appointment with one of our providers, please call Centralized Scheduling at 1-866-923-6478.


Fleet & Family Support Center Services and Classes:
Click here for Fleet & Family Services
Click here for Fleet & Family Classes


Click here for an FFSC Recruitment Video




Download Our Deployment Readiness videos

Download Our Return & Reunion videos

FFSC is here to support Commands, Sailors, and families with every element of deployment support. The following programs are available by request, and can be provided to commands or Family Readiness Groups/family events via one of our virtual platforms. Individual sessions are available to help prepare for and thrive during deployment & homecoming periods, using practical and emotional means & methods.

Additionally, Individual Deployment Support Specialists (IDSS) provide relative information and referral services, supporting the unique needs of the Individual Augmentee (IA) Sailor and their families throughout the IA deployment process. Call (619) 556-7404 to speak to an IDSS today!

  • Pre-Deployment Readiness Briefs
  • Thriving during Deployment Workshops for Family Groups
  • Operational Stress Control Training
  • Homecoming Workshop for Family Groups
  • Consultations for Individual Augmentees (IAs) & Families
  • Command Individual Augmentee Coordinator (CIAC) Support
  • Mobilization & De-Mobilization Briefs for Reserve Personnel
  • IA Family Connection Events - Family meet for conversation, support, information and resources unique to the IA deployment process. Light refreshments and crafts for children are available.

We apologize, these are currently unavailable due to COVID restrictions:

  • Departure and/or Homecoming Day FFSC Resource Tables
  • Command Return & Reunion Program for Returning Deployers


One Call Serves All!

We have many other services available at FFSC, including Clinical Counseling, Relocation Assistance, Resume Assistance, Family Employment Assistance and Financial Consultations, to note a few. To schedule an appointment, please call 1-866-923-6478 and one of our FFSC Staff will assist you. We look forward to hearing from and providing you the quality service you deserve.